精華區beta Eng-Class 關於我們 聯絡資訊
請問in control和under control該如何區別? thanks!! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
nelisonlee:基本上,沒多大差異。 05/15 17:17
nelisonlee:請查一下 http://pewebdic2.cw.idm.fr/ 05/15 17:17
nelisonlee:視為等同即可。 05/15 17:19
SetsunaLeo:不太一樣喔,in control的是人,under control的是受 05/15 18:27
SetsunaLeo:控制的人事物 05/15 18:27
SetsunaLeo:e.g. I'm in control of this situation. 05/15 18:28
SetsunaLeo: The situation is under control. 05/15 18:28
nelisonlee:Yes. I thought what he/she asked is "in control", 05/15 19:39
nelisonlee:not "in control of". 05/15 19:39
huggie:推SetsunaLeo 05/15 23:42
SetsunaLeo:to n大,still the same thing, aren't they? 05/16 07:20
nelisonlee:恩,我以為他問的是朗文解釋的第四點。 05/16 10:53
nelisonlee:Forget what I said... 05/16 11:03
XCAROLX555:喔~~感恩阿!!!! 05/16 12:28