精華區beta Eng-Class 關於我們 聯絡資訊
之前被問到說看海為什麼要說watch the sea, 我印象裡好像是說如果有專注的點的話要用watch, ex. watch TV, watch the sea 這樣, 那see指的就是一般不經意的看過,撇過 ex. I see you. 不知道這樣的解釋對不對,請問一下大家,謝謝 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
Xoshi:我只知道 看電影,看醫生好像都會用see 01/15 10:20
Xoshi:watch TV是比較常見 還有watch out! 01/15 10:21
tengharold:要看為何看海吧... 01/15 13:21
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------- < 作者: tengharold (RoadMan_A) 看板: Eng-Class 標題: Re: [解題] 一樣是看,see / watch 的不同 時間: Mon Jan 15 13:30:07 2007 ※ 引述《mieki (Return to ?)》之銘言: : 之前被問到說看海為什麼要說watch the sea, : 我印象裡好像是說如果有專注的點的話要用watch, : ex. : watch TV, watch the sea 這樣, : 那see指的就是一般不經意的看過,撇過 : ex. : I see you. : 不知道這樣的解釋對不對,請問一下大家,謝謝 有時要看目的 例:她每天看海等待丈夫歸來 she WATCHES the sea every day, awaiting her husband's return 例:我要帶她去看海,她沒看過 I'm taking her to SEE the sea, she's never seen it before. 有時要看情況 例:我今晚要去看電影 I'm seeing a movie tonight / I'm going to see a movie tonight. 例:我正在看電影 I'm watching a movie right now. 注意對'電影'而言see跟watch我都看過人家用 所以我也看過I'm watching a movie tonight或是I'm seeing a movie right now 有時要看... 看太多了,不如看天吧 不要被文法過分拘泥,文法背到死寫出來的句子一樣難看 XD -- I let the melody shine, let it cleanse my mind, I feel free now But the airways are clean and there's nobody singing to me now -Bittersweet Symphony, The Verve -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
mieki:謝謝解答:) 01/15 21:32
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------- < 作者: sulakz (to the moon & back) 站內: Eng-Class 標題: Re: [解題] 一樣是看,see / watch 的不同 時間: Tue Jan 16 00:31:17 2007 `see' 解釋 When you see something, you are aware of it through your eyes, or you notice it. ^^^^^^^^ 用法 1.meeting someone See is often used to mean visit or meet by arrangement. ^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ EX: It would be a good idea for you to see a doctor. 2. If you go somewhere in order to look at something or watch something, you can say that you go to see it. EX: He went to India to see the Taj Mahal. We went to the zoo to see the giant pandas. 3. When you go to the theatre or cinema, you say that you see a play or film. You do not say that someone `looks at' or `watches' a play or film. =========================================================================== `watch' 解釋 When you watch something, you pay attention to it using your eyes, because ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ you are interested in what it is doing, or in what may happen. =========================================================================== 相同點 entertainment and sport ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^ Both see and watch are used when you are talking about entertainment or sport. 然後還有講到看某特定節目 兩個也可通用 但我覺得watch比較常用到 總結: 建議原PO去查英英字典或請教那些在外國混過的人 我這些東西僅僅是針對你的問題 其實這兩個字 還有各自的其他意思跟用法 比如 see 還有 understand 的意思 I see , I see . 這句話應該常聽到吧 key word 我下面都有記號 自己看吧. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
mieki:謝謝解答,看完範例清楚很多! 01/16 10:14