精華區beta Eng-Class 關於我們 聯絡資訊
1. _____ is waste water form houses, restaruants, office building and factories 空格處應該填 junk 還是 dump? 查字典兩個字都有垃圾的意思 2. He came to the party at her______ (A)insight (B)instance (C)instinct (D)insurance 我選(B)是立刻的意思嗎? 3.This is a _____ test (A)write (B)wrote (C)writing (D)written 我選(C)對嗎? 4.表不得,忍不住的句型 S+cannot but+V S+cannot but+Ving 那一個才是正確的呢 麻煩各位大大指導我一下,謝謝...... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
promistake:3正解 09/04 15:27
monkeywife:4 cannot+(help)+but+V /cannot+help+Ving 09/04 15:39
brotherashin:junk是名詞,dump是動詞,當"倒垃圾"解 09/04 22:28