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請問 landmass 和 continent 的不同處在哪? 我查辭典他們兩個的中文意思都是"大陸" 不知這兩個有沒有什麼區別? 謝謝指教^^ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
lifegetter:continent: "continuous" mass of land 10/06 16:47
lifegetter:landmass: a large area of land 10/06 16:49
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------- < 作者: manc1982 (柚子小強) 看板: Eng-Class 標題: Re: [單字] landmass 和 continent 的不同 時間: Sun Oct 7 14:43:56 2007 ※ 引述《lovewin (lovewin)》之銘言: : 請問 landmass 和 continent 的不同處在哪? : 我查辭典他們兩個的中文意思都是"大陸" : 不知這兩個有沒有什麼區別? : 謝謝指教^^ 危機百科 landmass: Land mass refers to the total area of a country or geographical region (which may include discontinuous pieces of land such as islands). The Earth's total land mass is 148,939,063.133 km2 (57,511,026.002 square miles) which is about 29.2 % of its total surface. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Land_mass continent: A continent is one of several large landmasses on Earth. They are generally identified by convention rather than any strict criteria, but seven areas are commonly regarded as continents – they are (from largest in size to smallest): Asia, Africa, North America, South America, Antarctica, Europe, and Australia. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Continent 基本上一般continent會翻成大陸,而landmass則會翻成陸塊, 大陸指的是浮出海面的陸地範圍, 而陸塊指的是在海洋基底上的大陸性地殼(continent crust)。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: