精華區beta Eng-Class 關於我們 聯絡資訊
要問的字或詞:(中英皆可) at work / on the job 讓我感到混淆的地方: Well, it appeared on page 5 in a TOEIC textbook, Longman Preparation Series for the NEW TOEIC Test - Introductory course. Though it is just a practice learning how to tell a story from a photo, I find it bizarre listing 'at work' and 'on the job' separately. This leads me to doubt my belief that they mean the same. And according to the dictionary I look up, 'at work' is the same as 'on the job'. Is there any possible difference between these two phrases? Thanks -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
wnwangster:too vague, gotta be more specific. they're used 01/09 16:12
wnwangster:differently depending on the circumstance 01/09 16:13
ywch:such as what circumstances?? 01/09 16:34
ywch:there are choices to check on that page, and students 01/09 16:36
ywch:are supposed to tick any matched description. 01/09 16:36
ywch:'At work' and 'on the job' are both listed. That's why.. 01/09 16:37
wnwangster:i donno what you're talking about... but in a 01/09 17:21
wnwangster:sentence they are not necessarily interchangeable 01/09 17:23
ywch:would you mind giving me an example sentence? thanks :) 01/09 17:48