精華區beta Eng-Class 關於我們 聯絡資訊
在讀有關植物的科學文章時.... 常常碰到"Excised leaves"和"leaf disks"兩個名詞 而且也容易一起出現在同一篇文章中 在小弟看起來...兩個的意思都是 葉片 =.= 但在文章中似乎代表兩種不同的意義 所以想來版上請教一下... 擷取一段原文給版上大大做參考: Excised leaves or leaf disks were illuminated or kept in the dark at 20。C, and used to prepare protein extracts. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
sonyyeh:沒人回...不曉得是不是我提供的資訊有問題? 10/08 17:46
sonyyeh:有請各位大大了 10/08 17:46
outofdejavu:leaf disks 指打洞器從葉子上剪下來的圓形葉塊 10/08 18:33
outofdejavu:參見http://www.elbiology.com/labtools/Leafdisk.htm 10/08 18:34
outofdejavu:excised leaves or leaf disks 中的 or 用來解釋 10/08 18:35
outofdejavu:excised leaves,用比較容易了解的詞來解釋 10/08 18:36
outofdejavu:excised leaves => leaves which are excised => 10/08 18:44
outofdejavu:=> leaves which are cut out 10/08 18:44
sonyyeh:喔~原來如此 太感謝你了 10/08 22:39
sonyyeh:原來是我誤解了這句話的文法="= 該回去念點文法了QQ 10/08 22:41