精華區beta Eng-Class 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ 引述《ywch (nope)》之銘言: : 要問的字或詞:(中英皆可) : at work / on the job : 讓我感到混淆的地方: : Well, it appeared on page 5 in a TOEIC textbook, Longman Preparation Series : for the NEW TOEIC Test - Introductory course. : Though it is just a practice learning how to tell a story from a photo, I find : it bizarre listing 'at work' and 'on the job' separately. This leads me to : doubt my belief that they mean the same. : And according to the dictionary I look up, 'at work' is the same as 'on the : job'. : Is there any possible difference between these two phrases? : Thanks at work(p): on the job; "had been at work for over an hour before her boss arrived" http://wordnet.princeton.edu/perl/webwn It'll be my great honor if anyone can give me an example sentence telling the difference between 'at work' and 'on the job'. XDDDD -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
dunchee:??? Google不就一堆了? 01/10 00:30
ywch:google有列出兩者意義的差別嗎? 我也是google完後才來問的.. 01/12 16:23
ywch:不過沒有找到可以顯示出兩者使用上不同的例子,又有網友說兩者 01/12 16:24
ywch:確實是不同的,但又沒列舉句子說明,所以還是沒解答........... 01/12 16:25