精華區beta Eng-Class 關於我們 聯絡資訊
和朋友討論了一個小問題,要來請教各位前輩們,如果有想法不正確的地方 還請各位多給予指教,再次感謝各位前輩們的幫助。 要問的字或詞:(中英皆可) The spokesman said that the research team is the second in the world to grow liver cells, following work by researchers at Geron in the US. As the only stem-cell research center in Taiwan, the Biomedical Engineering Center has developed a cell colony bank to grow cells for local biomedical labs, he added. 讓我感到混淆的地方: 延續上面兩段的敘述,第二段的開頭 As 在這個句子是連接詞還是介係詞呢? 我的想法是說:如果 As 為連接詞的話,那連接詞是連接兩個句子,那應該 As the only stem-cell research center in Taiwan 裡面要有主詞和動詞, 但是這裡只有 the only stem-cell research center 而已。 == As the only stem-cell research center in Taiwan, [ the Biomedical Engineering Center has developed a cell colony bank to grow cells for local biomedical labs] , he added. 本來想說中間的框起來的是插入句,但是看了這個網站的說法: http://www.epochtimes.com/b5/5/6/10/n951533.htm 發現插入句的解釋方法為: S + 插入句 + V S + 插入句 + V + SC S + 插入句 + V + O S + 插入句 + V + O + OC S + 插入句 + V + DO + IO 又看回來了 As the only stem-cell research center in Taiwan, [ the Biomedical Engineering Center has developed a cell colony bank to grow cells for local biomedical labs] , he added. 如果中間框起來的是插入句,之後就是 he added,和上面的五個條件都不成立。 因此我想中間不是插入句 而且最後的 he added 應該是第一段的spokesman的外加敘述。 最後,發現 as 的詞性除了介係詞以外,都不成立,因此我判定這裡的as為介係詞。 請問以上的想法有沒有錯誤呢? 而且這句話如果要翻譯的話,該怎麼翻譯會比較順暢呢? 程度很差,很希望想把這裡給學清楚,請各位前輩們幫忙,謝謝各位前輩。<(_ _)> -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
noruas:參考: As a teacher, she works hard. 05/13 20:24
noruas:(身為老師,她很努力.) 05/13 20:25
noruas:上面那句和原句都是同一個句型 05/13 20:25
andy2007:感謝noruas前輩和好久不見的dunchee前輩 05/14 19:26