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※ 引述《noruas (〝猴子〞)》之銘言: : come 有"來"的含義: 一件事情朝著你過來..它找上你 : How's it coming? => 問事情怎麼發生的 N大解釋的不錯 但關於How's it coming 這一點同推文的T大 補充別的想法給大家參考 =======1 "How's it going?" means you're asking for a status update of some kind. The answer could be "I'm great!" or "We're half done with the project" depending on the situation. "How's it coming?" means "Is it done yet?" or "How close is it to being done?" 以上資訊為 Astoria NY Franzi 在wordreference.com的解釋 =======2 It is a shortened version of "how is it coming along" It's used to ask how a particular project is progressing. Fred: "I started building a barn last week" Ted: "Oh yah? How's it coming?" Fred: "It's going alright. Should be finished in 3 or 4 months" 以上資訊為Lee 在外國Yahoo 的best answer 另外Sammy也作了以下的解釋 When someone asks you how is it coming they basically want to inquire about what kind of progress you have made on a particular project, or event. For eg. How is your history project coming? Ans. Great! I'm almost finished! ========3 How's it coming? Don't mean to rush you. Don't worry. It'll be finished. 以上為google上找到來自 Phantom of the Paradise script上的劇本 ====== 以上這幾個例子均表示同個概念 但How's it coming會不會因為上下文不同,而有其他解釋的可能 無法給絕對的答案 也請大家多指教 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
noruas:我覺得版大這樣解釋比較正確~^^" 11/24 15:43
noruas:其實更常用的是 How's it coming along? 11/24 15:43
harisea:謝謝 又多學到了 ^^ 11/24 16:25
togs:你應該謝謝點出來的tengharold 以及熱心的noruas:) 11/24 22:51
HVIP:不好意思。我的英文比較菜。我就上面答案的解讀,感覺兩者好 11/25 00:11
HVIP:像差不多? 11/25 00:12
tengharold:how's it going範圍比較廣,也可以當作一般問候語 11/26 13:24
tengharold:如老闆問how's it going可以問某案進度如何,或是純粹 11/26 13:25
tengharold:問工作如何 11/26 13:25
tengharold:how's it coming 大多都是限定問某事/案的進度 11/26 13:26
HVIP:謝謝樓上T大。 11/27 21:26