精華區beta Eng-Class 關於我們 聯絡資訊
1. One year ago, he was possessed by a spirit and from then on he acted and _________ spoke strangely. However, the villagers who thought he was out of his mind at first were suprised to find him able to foretell the future. possessed和obsessed 我查到在動詞語意都有"迷惑住"的意思, 想請問在這個地方可以替換嗎? 2. implant/ embed By implanting satellite transmitters in migrating birds, scientists __________ are able to track a number of them. Their results show that some species can fly thousands of miles nonstop on their migrations. 我查到implant和embed都有"嵌入"的意思, 那在這個地方可以把implanting替換成embedding嗎? 謝謝!! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: minitwinkle 來自: (05/13 17:11)
noruas:possessed by a spirit 被鬼附身, 這是一個固定用語 05/13 18:01
noruas:不能用obsessed替代. 05/13 18:01
noruas:*obsessed 表示"把..想得太美好" 05/13 18:02
noruas:She is obsessed with losing weight. 05/13 18:03
noruas:2. 不能替換. 05/13 18:04
noruas:implant 是植入 im(表示"放入"的字首) + plant 05/13 18:05
noruas:embed 常用於 1. 網頁上插入圖片/影片 2. 戰地記者 05/13 18:06
minitwinkle:謝謝你!! 05/14 00:24