精華區beta Eng-Class 關於我們 聯絡資訊
查了一下朗文字典 used to:if something used to happen, it happened regularly or all the time in the past, but does not happen now would:past habits used to say that something happened often or regularly in the past 感覺都是在說過去的習慣,且現在已無此習慣 例子 When we worked in the same office, we would often have coffee together. On summer evenings they would sit out in the garden. He used to go to our school. We're eating out more often than we used to. 兩者有無相等或通用呢? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: 感謝網友丟了一個網址供我參考 http://www.zozanga.com/grammar/usedtotext2.htm 但我對裡面的內容有些疑問 If you want to talk about repeated states or habits in the past, you must use used to, you cannot use would : My dog used to bark at cats. 這句為何不能說是My dog would bark at cats. 我的狗對著貓吠,感覺也可以是repeated events and actions 這部份就很令人不解, 其他的例句就還可以接受,因為換成would反而覺得怪 ※ 編輯: stukpe 來自: (12/11 19:40)
jacqueswu:would可表示一種過去較不規則的習慣~used to則是有規則~ 12/11 20:15
jacqueswu:I would(時常) sit up late when I was in high school~ 12/11 20:16
jacqueswu:I used(習慣)to get up early when I was in highschool 12/11 20:17
stukpe:http://ppt.cc/WvxE BBC的解釋滿清楚的,感謝kidstrife 12/11 21:30