精華區beta Eng-Class 關於我們 聯絡資訊
( )When a thirsty traveler sees a non-existing pool of water in the desert, he is having an optical _______. 這題答案給illusion 可是選項有delusion 我查字典這兩個字都有迷惑 錯覺的意思 字典還把他們列為同義字 請問到底該如何分辨? 謝謝 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
anjohn:用英英字典a mental condition in which you believe 06/09 23:26
anjohn:things that are not true << delusion 06/09 23:26
anjohn:an appearance or effect that is different from the way 06/09 23:27
anjohn:that things really are << illusion 06/09 23:27
anjohn:所以就知道答案是illusion 06/09 23:27
kurage306:illusion->got confused cuz ur brain's being tricked 06/09 23:31
kurage306:delusion->psychoatic sickness making u believe what 06/09 23:32
kurage306:is not true in the reality. 06/09 23:32
sunycat:用醫學角度回答 illusion是錯覺 有接受刺激才會產生 06/10 03:15
sunycat:delusion是妄想 有無中生有的感覺 06/10 03:15
ggirls:delusion是有精神病,illusion則是每個人都有可能發生。 06/10 03:28
riopotter:optical illusion是固定說法 是搭配詞(collocation)的 06/10 10:28
riopotter:問題 06/10 10:28