精華區beta Eng-Class 關於我們 聯絡資訊
這是開頭 Minutes, June 21 2007 By Frank Cicery.last modified October 29,2007-O5:14p.m. 疑問1: 請問這邊的minutes代表的意思是? (minute:分鐘) Roll Call Present:Andy,Paul Absent:Nate Observing:None 疑問2: 請問Observing代表的意思是? (observe:觀察) Old Action Items Bounties:approved that we'd have a bounty scheme that does not involve the Foundation in terms of payments or contractors. 疑問3: 無法理解反黃這段話的意思? (payments:付款、contractors:承包商) These would be processed through a 3rd party such as Fundable or Software in the Public Interest, that choice is up to the organizers. 疑問四:這邊的These指稱為何?第二段反黃 透過3rd party又是何意思呢? 感謝各位 有時候單字都知道,但實在無法理解文章的意思 還請指教,再三感謝 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: william52917 來自: (07/05 15:01)
yichinabby:minutes 會議的逐字稿 07/05 16:36
yichinabby:observing 接上面出缺席 這個應該是旁聽者 07/05 16:37
yichinabby:in terms of payments or contractors 修飾前面的 does 07/05 16:41
yichinabby:not involve the Fundation 07/05 16:41
yichinabby:意指bounty scheme和fundation在payments和contractors 07/05 16:45
yichinabby:方面不能相關 (不清楚會議背景 請自行代入) 07/05 16:48
yichinabby: ^Foundation 打錯了 07/05 16:52
yichinabby:These應該指payments or contractors 07/05 16:53
yichinabby:這些不能和foundation(基金會?)直接相關 07/05 16:54
yichinabby:要透過第三方來進行 07/05 16:54