精華區beta Eng-Class 關於我們 聯絡資訊
1. Underwater hockey now involves two teams of six, with each team trying to push a puck into its opponent's net to score points. 2. However, games are often shown on video, with underwater photographers capturing the action. 看到一篇閱讀文章中兩句使用了 逗號+ with介片 的句子, 不確定這兩個 逗號+with介片的 用法與意義是否一樣 請問各位高手的意見看看 請問這兩句的1.with用法為何? 2.with修飾對像為何? 3.此with中文解釋應該怎麼翻? 文章如下: Hockey with a twist There seems to be no limit to the number of sports people can come up with. Sometimes it's just a matter of taking a sport that already exists and giving it a twist. Such is the case with underwater hockey, sometimes called Octopush because it used to be played with eight players. It's unclear whether the creator of underwater hockey was copying ice hockey or not, but his version seems pretty close to the original. Underwater hockey now involves two teams of six, with each team trying to push a puck into its opponent's net to score points. The puck is about the same size and weight as a hockey puck. It is also very smooth, which helps it slide along the bottom of the pool. Each player wears fins, a snorkel, a mask, and usually at least one glove so that their hands won't get injured. To push the puck, they use a small stick which is about 35 centimeters long. This unlikely sport was invented in England in 1954 by Alan Blake. It has grown steadily in popularity over the years, which might be surprising if you consider that it's not the easiest game for spectators to enjoy. Picture yourself sitting above the water and watching 12 players frantically swimming around at the bottom of a pool—not a great view of the action. However, games are often shown on video, with underwater photographers capturing the action. If fans really want to get a good look, they can be in the water and watch. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Eng-Class/M.1407851689.A.7BB.html
kaifrankwind: 大概就"伴隨"的意思 其實跟and差不多(覺得那兩句都 08/12 23:15
kaifrankwind: 能把, with N. V-ing改寫成and N. V.) 08/12 23:16
wohtp: 跟and還是不太一樣。and的感覺像是連接兩樣不相干的東西 08/14 14:50
wohtp: with則是在說明前面提到的東西有什麼性質 08/14 14:50
wohtp: ...two teams of six, with each team... 後面用意在於追 08/14 14:51
wohtp: 加說明那兩隊在水底下都幹了什麼 08/14 14:52
wohtp: 用到and的例子就比較像:兩個六人隊伍,「和」三個裁判 這 08/14 14:53
wohtp: 種感覺 08/14 14:53
wohtp: 第二句也是,with用來說明video是怎麼生出來的 08/14 14:54
wohtp: 如果改成and,就好像是說水底攝影師跟比賽錄影是不相干的 08/14 14:56
wohtp: 兩回事 08/14 14:56
kaifrankwind: 同意with前後兩件事關係會很緊密 08/14 15:46