精華區beta Eng-Class 關於我們 聯絡資訊
通常要討論特定, 比較嚴肅一點, 學術性的主題, 我們介系詞會用"on" 而 about 則是談論關於 love, English, or life 相關的聊天主題, 所以在例子裡有說到 當FED主席如果要寫一本書 about 聯準會, 這就是顯而易見的錯誤,==> 聽者會以為他的書會有關於當一個聯準會主席的生活(life related) ※ 引述《claireychiu (算一算時間)》之銘言: : The Executive Mistake to Avoid: : "About" : “Ben Bernanke will write a book about the Federal Reserve and Central Banks. : ” : After hearing this, it seems like Bernanke was going to publish his diaries : or journals about his term as the Fed Chief. : A professional or specialist writes and gives speeches ON a specific, : serious, and academic topic, not ABOUT it. : It is more likely that Bernanke will write a book ON the Federal Reserve and : Central Banks. : He will probably give speeches ON the financial crisis, the US economy, QE, : etc. : Today's entertainers often write books ABOUT love, English, life, etc. : From IMM FB : https://www.facebook.com/pages/IMM/484789388268781?fref=ts -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
noobie:瞭解了,謝謝~ 02/19 21:46
claireychiu:^^ 02/19 21:47