精華區beta Eng-Class 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ 引述《lovesafin (作自己)》之銘言: : 老師要我們把我們過去一年的寫作,把有需要訂正的地方修改好。 : 然後做成網站 這是我自己寫的結論,麻煩大家幫我看看有沒有需要修改的!! : Writing is very difficult for us. We always write Chinese English and It is very hard for me to write an article in English. I often write an English sentence by using Chinese grammer , therefore, the grammer errors of the sentences never stop visiting me. : make mistakes about the grammar.Maybe it’s we don’t know plenty of the : words and phrases. But we think we have a great improvement in writing : during the past year. We learned writing skills、a complaint letter、 : conjunctions and so on. It's all because of the absence of vocabularies and phrases. I believe that I have a great improvement in my writing skill over the past year after learning so many writing skills, such as a complaint letter、 the usage of conjunctions(連接詞?). : During the past year, when we have an assignment, we always want to do : our best to finish the work perfectly. However, we still have many errors : in the articles. Writing the weekly journal is useful for us. During last year, I'd been always wanted to do my best to finish the work perfectly when I had recieved an assignment. However, there're still many errors that could be found in my English articles. It's very useful for me to write the weekly journal. : Every week we have a journal and we have to discuss with our partner or : do it by ourselves. That is a good idea, which can fire up the imagination : of us. I had to discuss my weekly journal with my partner or did it on my own (自己 跟自己討論?@@?) That ( To discuss with our partner or..) is a good idea. The imagination of us were all inspired. : Our writing ability is still not good enough but we will keep doing it : until we can write the article correctly. The ability of my writing skills is still not good enough but I will keep working on it until I can write an article smoothly. : 麻煩各位~~謝謝 有太多怪怪的地方了, @@!! 因為無聊,所以照原意改寫了一次 (若照原文改,我可能不知從何下手,所以才藉由改寫來比較差異的地方,請包涵^^" ) 原po應該可以比較看看其中用字的差別 雖然我的英文寫作能力應該還算普通~ 剩下錯誤的地方就有請版上大大幫忙修改了~ ^^ -- ▁▁ 愛因斯坦 ▕名我認為素食者的人生態度乃是出自極單純的生理 上的平衝狀態因此對人類  ▇▇ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
flandre:我覺得第二段的absence換成insufficiency (不足, 06/17
flandre:不夠多的字詞彙) 好像比較好 06/17
solarjeff:^^ thx~dude! 06/17