精華區beta Eng-Class 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ 引述《ELISAA (好想你阿寶貝~*羞*)》之銘言: : 以下四個句子我不會合併 能不能請大家幫幫我呢?? : plz!!!!!!拜託了!!!謝謝!!!! : ---------------------------------------------------------- : (by the same token) : A)If you give up exercise, your muscles shrink and fat increases. : B)If you expend more energy you will lose fat. If you give up exercise, your muscles shrink and fat increases; by the same token, if you expend more energy you will lose fat. : ---------------------------------------------------------- : (contributing to) : A)It grew bitterly cold toward the end of November. : B)The cold weather caused the miseries of countless numbers of people. : ---------------------------------------------------------- It grew bitterly cold toward the end of November contributing to the miseries of countless numbers of people. (such as) : A)Organ meats are served once week. : B)Beef and chicken liver, tongue, and hear are the options. : --------------------------------------------------------- Organ meats such as, beef, chicken liver, tongue and hear, are served once week. : (meanwhile) : A)The museum really ought to be rebuilt, and the mayor determined to talk to : the city banks about this. : B)The city itself should be talked to. : -------------------------------------------------------- The museum really ought to be rebuilt, and the mayor determined to talk to the city banks about this; meanwhile, the city itself should be talked to. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: