精華區beta Eng-Class 關於我們 聯絡資訊
上次老師放"鐵男躲避球"給我們看,要我們用英文寫心得 以下是我寫的,希望大家幫我糾正一下 XDD 謝謝!!!! 1.What's about? The movie is about two dodgeball teams to compete. 亞歷三小俱樂部隊 is lineup hardy,鐵男俱樂部隊 have no experience. (這兩的隊名有人知道該怎麼翻嗎??) 鐵男俱樂部隊 use their stamina to practice dodgeball everyday. 亞歷三小俱樂部隊 don't want to practice dodgeball. Finally,鐵男俱樂部隊 win the game. They win a prize and self-confident. 2.What good and lor bad about it? The movie let we learn "有志者,事成"的道理. (有志者事竟成該怎麼翻呢?翻成英文後需要"道理"兩個字嗎??) 3.If you thought it was funny you?Give examples. I think it funny is an instructo to teach them. They reception are very fun. 就是這三題了,有哪裡錯誤希望大家糾正^^ 萬分感謝! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
qoojason:Where there is a will,there is a way. 05/10