精華區beta Eng-Class 關於我們 聯絡資訊
老師要我們把我們過去一年的寫作,把有需要訂正的地方修改好。 然後做成網站 這是我自己寫的結論,麻煩大家幫我看看有沒有需要修改的!! Writing is very difficult for us. We always write Chinese English and make mistakes about the grammar.Maybe it’s we don’t know plenty of the words and phrases. But we think we have a great improvement in writing during the past year. We learned writing skills、a complaint letter、 conjunctions and so on. During the past year, when we have an assignment, we always want to do our best to finish the work perfectly. However, we still have many errors in the articles. Writing the weekly journal is useful for us. Every week we have a journal and we have to discuss with our partner or do it by ourselves. That is a good idea, which can fire up the imagination of us. Our writing ability is still not good enough but we will keep doing it until we can write the article correctly. 麻煩各位~~謝謝 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
MrShy:有.(題目是是非題XD) 06/16
hemels:大推一樓 06/16
ycjjen: 寫得很好啊! 如果我有空可以幫你修改幾個小地方 06/17
ycjjen: so stay tuned! ^^ 06/17