精華區beta Eng-Class 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ 引述《shunyde (小若林)》之銘言: : Yet, much of economic theory, including industrial organization theory,"which" : pertains to the conduct of firms, and much of growth theory, "which" : addresses the development of nations, historically has tended to focus on : the former, often by ignoring the latter : 如上句 : 想請問這兩個which 是在補述那個名詞阿... : 每次看到句子裡有很多逗號分句時.. : 都很難去準確抓到正確的語法阿... : 謝謝 推 tore:第一個是industrial organization theory 04/02 → tore:第二個是growth theory 04/02 → tore:我是從文意上判斷炙i是我不知道為什麼要加逗號... 04/02 通常不是加逗號後的which 是在講比較前面的名詞(economic theory)嗎...? 因為 我是覺得 若是講industrial 那個 including industrial organization theory which... 這樣不是才是講industrial organization theory嗎...? 不論如何 還是很謝謝囉... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: