精華區beta Eng-Class 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ 引述《keey (謝謝你的小林煎餅)》之銘言: : 我的印象是 : at是比較小的地方 : in是比較大的地方 : 上次學生問我 為何是 : at the airport 和 in the hospital : 前面那的有點不會解釋 就說at the airpoort 把他當作點(比較小)的概念 : 不過...到底該怎麼解釋呢? At is --- 1. used to talk about position at a point. We use it with a larger place, if we just "think" of this as a point: a stage on a journey. Ex: The plane stops for an hour at London. "at the airport" perhaps matches this explanation. 2. used befor the name of a building, when we are thinking not of the building itself but of the activity that happens there. Ex: We eat at the steak house. 3. where people study. Ex: He's at the London school of economics. in is --- 1. used for position inside large areas, and in 3-dimensional space when something is surrounded on all sides. Ex: I last saw her in the car park. ======================================================================= 推薦好書: Michael Swan 的 Practical English Usage. (敦煌有,價錢忘記了) -- 所有的開始,本質上都是快樂的,問題出在中間。 ※ 編輯: onebowl 來自: (06/26 22:35)
keey:超級感謝!! 06/28