精華區beta Eng-Class 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ 引述《vitality (Winners never quit!!)》之銘言: : (A)1.They allow me to go on group dates and also on dates by myself, : but they ask me to tell them ______________ : (A) the place we are going to : (B) where we're going to 為什麼是錯的呢? where 已經包含了要“去”哪裡的意味, when也是一樣的。 除非你是用 which, which只是單純代表那個地方與場所, 所以介係詞不可省略, 同理也用在 who, to whom, with whom, etc,是要保留的。 : (A)2. I need someone to tell me ___________ : (A) what I can do : (B) how I can do 記得以前高中老師有解釋過這兩者文法上的差別 : 只是時間有點久 忘了說 有誰可以解釋一下呢? how I can do it , 你要“做”的事情要加個受詞才對, how 是一種手段與方式, 而 what 卻是代表你可以做的事,也就是 u can do "what" 。 : (A)3. She never stop nagging about_________ : (A) what I wear : (B) how I wear 和上題情形類似.... something u wear that makes she uncomfortable, 道理如同前面。 : 4. They did nothing but hang out all day long. : did nothing but+原V 可用文法方法解釋嗎? : 為什麼要加原V呢? 有的時候你是無法解釋為什麼的, 就好像什麼字接什麼形容詞, 人家就是這樣用,沒有辦法解釋的。 -- The lineaments, a heart that laughter has made sweet, These, these remain, but I record what's gone. A crowd Will gather, and not know it walks the very street Whereon a thing once walked that seemed a burning cloud. --Fallen Majesty -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: