精華區beta Eng-Class 關於我們 聯絡資訊
最近看了 ptt的版服上面寫著: "May the PTT be with you." 聽起來有一點點不順的感覺 所以來請教一下 什麼時候需要"the"什麼時候不需要呢? 我能找到的例子: May God be with you. (願上帝與你同在) May Zeus be with you. (願宙斯與你同在) May wisdom be with you. (願智慧與你同在) May luck be with you. (願好運與你同在) May force be with you. (願力量與你同在) May the force be with you. (願力量與你同在. 聽朋友說是出自star wars 指的是某一獨一無二的力量) May the wit be with you. (願機智與你同在) 我覺得如果是specific的字, 例如 God, Zeus, 不需要"the". 如果是general的字, 例如 wisdom, luck, force, wit... 則是可以加the, 也可以不要the. 使用the的時候是...例如: 當你特別需要"那一份"好運, 或"那一份"機智的時候才加. 所以也可以 May the luck be with you. 不知道這樣講對不對? 所以... 版服上, 到底需不需要the 呢? :) 謝謝~ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
gianni:it needs that the, because it's countable 08/31
gianni:mm, I was thinking about BBS, what does ptt 08/31
gianni:stand for anyway? 08/31
roy722:Professional Technology Temple (by sgracee) 08/31
rreenn:原來是可數不可數的分別, 謝謝 :) 08/31