精華區beta Eng-Class 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ 引述《flandre (Toujours￾N￾ ￾N  )》之銘言: : ※ 引述《Whitman (.)》之銘言: : : how (副詞)many(形容詞) people 當主詞,不用再加助動詞? : : -> How many people participate in the program . : : _______________ __________ : : S V : 我覺得這句已經是一個子句了(ex: Do you know "how many people participate : in the program?") 單獨不能當疑問句 所以原po寫法是錯的喔 個人認為原po的句子應該沒這麼大的問題, 頂多時態改為過去式比較恰當吧~ 即: How many people participated in the program? 當然,時態隨情境而定,也不是非得過去式不可..... 至於含有wh疑問的詞組當主詞的情況,這可是合語法的喲~ 下列是取自外國人的英文: 1. How many unlucky convicts lack the services of a generous counsel? ^^^^^^^^ [ NP as Subj ] V. 2. How many entries on the police national computer are deleted each week? ^^^^^^^^ [ NP as Subj ] V 上面句子中how many都是修飾主詞,主詞(應該)沒有移位, 所以助動詞/be動詞沒有倒裝的現象..... 不見得要化為there are的疑問句.... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: