精華區beta Eng-Class 關於我們 聯絡資訊
The strength, size, and surefootedness of the Hama make it as excellent -------- A -------B ---------C beast of burden in mountainous regions today as it was in the past. --D 答案是C 請問要改成 it is excellent 才能和as...as..對等嗎? 可是為什麼平常可以用as well as I can? For thousands of years, people have used some kind of refrigeration cooling ---------A ----B -------C beverages and preserve edibles. -------D 答案是C 是要改成to cool? 不過我有疑問是為什麼不是用some kinds of? 為什麼some 後面不是接複數kinds呢? Ozone is an unstable faintly bluish gas that is the most chemical active --A -------B ----C --------D form of oxygen. 答案是D 要怎麼改?chemically?? 可是為什麼不是faintly --> faint ? unstable是adj faintly是adv blusih是adj 這樣不是怪怪的? 謝謝大家的解答~ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
posh:cool 後面perserve 辭性對等 中間有and關係 11/06 19:50
johnny739:副詞形容形容詞 11/06 20:04
wura:如果用cool 就會有兩個動詞...不是怪怪的? 11/07 01:08