精華區beta Eng-Class 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ 引述《angeltears (天使徹夜未眠)》之銘言: : The den ridge was, as I had expected (and as the Norseman would have made : quite certain in any case), wolfless. Reaching the entrance to the burrow I : shed my heavy trousers, tunic, and sweater, and taking a flashlight (whose : batteries were very nearly dead) and measuring tape from my pack, I began the : difficult task of wiggling down the entrance tunnel. : 第三行最後的whose 我看不太懂為什麼用whose : 這裡應該是指手電筒的電池吧? : 麻煩請文法強的大大幫我解答一下!!謝謝:)   為什麼不用whose呢? 這邊指的是括號前的a flashlight 而這個手電筒的電池快沒電了 "手電筒的"電池=====> its batteries 但這邊是要用關係代名詞去補充說明 關係代名詞的"它的"=====>自然而然就是whose啦 -- ~Mina's  Album~ http://www.wretch.cc/album/mindyana 裡面沒有可愛的女生 只有一個愛搖滾的怪女人 + 一大堆不愛搖滾的寵物 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
angeltears:謝謝 我一直以為whose是只用在人身上 11/11 23:14