精華區beta Eng-Class 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ 引述《dearestred (紅色天空)》之銘言: : 116. The layers of an elephant's tusk are deposited from the pulp, (yet) : that the innermost layer is the newest. : Q:請問yet可以改成so嗎? so that應該沒錯.. : 128. Small to medium-sized marsh birds similar in body shape (by) cranes, : rails are found throughout the world, except in the polar regions. : Q; by改成to比較好還是改成than比較好? why? {Small to medium-sized marsh birds (which are) similar in body shape (by) cranes, rails} are found throughout the world, except in the polar regions be similar to,,這邊的which are被省略了 : 131. As sweeteners, there is very (small) difference between honey and : sucrose, although the former dose contain minimal quanttities of : vitamins, minerals, and amino acids. : Q: 請問small要怎麼改比較好? 改成large吧(就意思上來看) 同為甜物,honey 與 sucrose卻有很大差別,儘管前者的確包含了.... : 135. The 1880's saw not only the creation of the curtain wall and : wind-braced iron (frame also) the architectural mastery of these : structural devices. : Q:(...)錯在那?? 不是not only..but also嗎?! : 1. Sand is formed by the weathering and decomposition of all types of : rock, ( ) most abundant mineral constituent being quartz. : Ans. its : Q: 為什麼是its,有省略什麼嗎? : its之後是當Adv. Cl嗎 不是很懂你的問題?! : 2. ( ) in the daytime for most of the year, the groundhog hibernates in : a burrow during winter. : Ans. 1. Is active : 2. That it is active : 3 Active : 4. While is active : --->3. Active : Q:為什麼咧???這是應用什麼觀念呢 動詞為hibernate... 1>子句沒主詞,沒連接詞, 2>沒連接詞 4>子句主詞省略,is也要一併省略 : 謝謝好心文法高手來解答 :P -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: