精華區beta Eng-Class 關於我們 聯絡資訊
各位前輩好 以下是我的自傳 面試用的簡易自傳 想請各位前輩幫我看看哪裡有錯好嗎? 謝謝 My name is Richie. I am twenty-five years old. I'm interested in sports, music, movie, and research on business and English. I love thinking . It's very helpful to me. I think thinking makes people develop unique thinking systems . Which is very important nowadays. I like to help somebody people who need help I like to touch with people because I can study many things from different people especially foreigner. (接觸人群) I can learning about different cultures and thinkings. I really enjoy it. I'm a honest, humorous and friendly person who attracts children and adults alike. I have taught foreigner Chinese for one year. I know some teaching skills and I think my conversation skills are better than average people. I think if I get the job,I can do it well. Thank you for your listening. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
ycjjen: 雖然是自傳,一口氣用了12個 I 並不是好主141.156.160.110 11/15 11:03
ycjjen:意。試試看能不能合併寫成幾個長一點的句子141.156.160.110 11/15 11:05
johnny739:話說為什麼不找你教的學生幫你看 11/15 12:07
thomas11339:太多I了...你找老師幫你修吧.. 11/15 14:11