精華區beta Eng-Class 關於我們 聯絡資訊
名詞子句何時不可省略that? A. He said that he loved me. He said he loved me. that he loved me是名詞子句,作said的受詞。也可省 that : He said he loved me. 下列情況不能省: 1. 一句中有兩個或兩個以上的名詞子句時 He said that he loved me and that he would marry me.(為了清楚看出他說了兩件事) 2. 名詞子句作主詞時 That he must translate his thoughts into English makes him slow in writing and hesitant in speech. 3. 名詞子句作虛主詞 "it" 同位語時 It is evident that he has no incentive to study. 4. 名詞子句作某一字同位語時 The fact that she has inner grace (內在美) is more important. He denied the rumor that he cheated in the exam. The hope that he might get a scholarship to Oxford encouraged him. (如您看到(4)中的句子省略that 也不要奇怪,因為是非正式) ※ 引述《yuhxh (悔不當初)》之銘言: : That the world is round is known to everyone. : =it is true that the world is round. : 這裡的that可以省嗎? : 它是連接詞還是關代? : 另外 : it is said that she killed the man. : 這裡的that可以省 : 是因為它是關代當受詞嗎 : 有人說第一句的that當先行詞而且不能省.... : 搞不太清楚這兩句that的差別... -- 美麗的面貌是愛情的元素 但心靈與思想的美才是愛情的堅固基礎 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
yuhxh:所以結論是,這兩句都屬於 09/04
yuhxh:當it同位語的情況,that都不可省...感謝~~^^ 09/04
Hharuka:推一個! 09/07