精華區beta Eng-Class 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ 引述《tonyxie (123)》之銘言: : 請問如何區分,使用以上的助動詞 ? : 像是will/would 常搞不清楚 : 例如: 離婚將會影響小孩的發展 : 該寫: Divorce will affect Children's development. : 或 : Divorce would affect Children's development. : 請教各位高手,謝謝 應該是用will.......畢竟這是一個未來可能會發生的事情!! 首先我們分成兩個層面探討助動詞,一個層面是基本用法 另外一個層面是慣用語法(這部分 有空我會PO上來) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~表格分隔線~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ will would 1. 表示未來式 will的過去式 ex:I said I would do it. (因為前面動詞以表過去 後面應該用過去式would) 2. 打算;想 ex: I won't make the same mistake again. 3. 有~的習慣 表示過去的習慣 ex : He will often stay up ex: He would often get up early. all night. 4. 請你......好嗎?? 表示客氣的請求 ex:Would you come in??? (請進好嗎??) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ can的用法: 1.表示能力: ex: He can swim = He is able to swim PS:在此特別強調 並不是所有的can都可替換成be able to ex: The book is able to be finish in an hour.........(X) ^^^^^^^^ 關鍵在於be able to 的適用對象是"人"或"動物" 2.表示強烈懷疑: ex: Can it be true??? 中文翻成可能....的嗎??? 3.用於否定推測:can't ,對於過去否定的推測(即表示當時不可能怎樣....) cannot have + p.p ex: He cannot have said so. (他是不可能這樣說的) 4.表示客氣的請求: Could ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 另外一提的是should/ought to 1.當作應該的意思, ought to (should)+ 原形動詞 2.若ought to (should)+完成式,即表示當時應該怎麼作 ,但是"沒有做" ex: He ought to have come yesterday, but he didn't. (他昨天應該要來的,可是他並沒有來) 3.ought to 表否定時的位置: ought "not" to +原形動詞 ex: You ought not to be cruel to animals.(你不應該虐待動物) 4.ought to表疑問時: ought + 主詞 + to +原形動詞 ex: Ought I to go??(我應該去嗎??) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 呼........很長喔!!看起來眼睛酸了沒.....該休息一下了^___^ -- http://www.wretch.cc/user/natasha0624 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: