精華區beta Eng-Class 關於我們 聯絡資訊
3-13. Stage producers Klaw and Erlanger were the first to eliminate arguments among leading performers ____ in order of appearance, instead of prominence. (A) of whom list the program (B) the program listing (C) for them the program listed (D) by listing them on the program =>答案是D, 完全無法理解 (怎麼翻==>舞台設計師 K and E 是第一個 在表演者中排除眾議…後面就不知道了?) 3-18. The bathyscaphe, a free-moving vessel designed for underwater A exploration, consists of a Flotation compartment with a observation B C capsule attached underneath it. D =>答案是C, 要改成? 3-27. Someone may refuse to recognize the seriousness of an emotionally A B threatening situation and perceive as less threatening. C D =>答案是 D ,怎麼改? 省略as嗎? 3-33. Rain is slight acidic even in unpolluted air, because carbon A B dioxide in the atmosphere and other natural acid-forming gases C dissolve in the water. D =>答案A,我知道用要用副詞修飾形容詞,所以要改成slightly, 不過D的部分不用 改成dissolved嗎? 或者,如果用dissolved可以嗎? 4-7.South American flamingos can survive in temperatures ___ above the freeing point. (A) that fewer degrees (B) if few degrees (C) only a few degrees (D) when fewer degrees =>答案是C, 不懂為什麼其他三個選項為什麼不行?是語意上不通嗎? 還是文法要怎麼改? 4-8. Made of hard wood, the boomerang is roughly V-shaped, with arms ____ skewed. (A) of slightly (B) are slightly (C) slightly (D) that those are slightly =>答案是C, 為什麼A不行? 4-36. The chemical element chlorine is a corrosive, greenish-yellow A gas that has sharp odor and has 2 times heavier than air. B C D =>知道答案是D,可是又覺得從文法上看and左右平行,沒刪掉has好像也沒有錯? 先謝謝大家了! ^^ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: Qdebby 來自: (11/01 10:30) ※ 編輯: Qdebby 來自: (11/01 22:11)