精華區beta Eng-Class 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ 引述《dearestred (紅色天空)》之銘言: : 2.In 1976 Sarah Caldwell became_____at the Metropolitan : Opera House in New York City. : Ans. the first woman conductor : 疑問:(1)為什麼呢是這個答案? : (2)這個"the woman was first conducting"-->錯在那呢? became 是連綴動詞,此句中可以改成 was 所以是 S + be V + SC(主詞補語) the first woman conductor 是補語 : 34.A condenser is a heat exchanger_____steam or vapor loses : heat and returns to liquid form. : Ans.in which : 疑問:為什麼不能用that呢? 少了in 沒法表示出 steam or vapor loses heat "in" a heat exchanger : 45.By the mid-twentieth century, United Stated presidential staffs, : which had numbered (fewer than ten a century earlier, : numbered in the hundreds.) : 疑問:請問(...)是什麼意思 在一個世紀前職員數是百來人 : 68.The Mississippi riverboat, which (...) envolved from simpler : steamships of the early 1800's, became the dominant form of passenger : transport on the Mississippi River. : 疑問: 請問(...)中是否省略was : 為什麼可以省略呢-->不是應該which was一起略嗎? : 但在逗號後which又不能省........... 此處 evolved 為主動而非被動用法 : 72. The brightly colored kingfisher (that perches) until it sights a fish, : then dives into the water to catch its prey. : 疑問:(..)是錯的,請問是不是應該將that去掉 如果沒有去掉that,在until之前的句子沒有動詞 : 73. every 164.8 Earth years : 疑問:every後的名詞不是應該單數嗎 : 為何years是對的呢? 每隔幾天 every few days 每六個月 every six months : 93. Copper wat the first metal used by humans and is second only to iron : (into) its utility through the ages. : 疑問: (into)是錯的-->請問該怎麼改 in 吧 : 98. The Hopi, descendants of the prehistoric Anasazi people, are a Pueble : (people who) of the southwestern United States. : 疑問:(....)是錯的--->請問是將who去掉嗎-->why??? : 謝謝好心文法高手來解答 去掉 who people 在此為民族的意思 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: