精華區beta Eng-Class 關於我們 聯絡資訊
這裡有幾題,是我做錯題目 但我不知道錯的原因 煩請高手幫我解惑 感激 1.The only way to make computers faster-that is,more powerful-is to jam je switches even closer togeher ,______reducing the length of wiring between them a.however b.and c.thus d.when 答案是C ? 2.A person's image gets ______away from the observer.這句中文意思? a.smaller the farther he walks c.smaller han he walks 答案是a why? 3.Some kind of foundations pay a tax on he income___from heir investment. b.received d.was received 答案b why? 此具主詞? 4.Chemists have developed various mehods of turning coal into a clean fuel,___may be mentioned gasification and liquefaction. a.among which b.which c.and which d.each of which 答案a why 5.A population cencus tries to determine____ b.how many people are there c.how many people here are 答案c 可否說明這題句型結構 另外,In the early 1940's & In early 1940's 差別在哪阿 意思不一樣? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: