精華區beta Eng-Class 關於我們 聯絡資訊
嗯....其實我英文也沒有很好啦 只是指出一些比較明顯的問題 參考看看就好 ※ 引述《JOY0968 (朋友~~順阿!!)》之銘言: : 室友他明天要上台的演說 我們有看過改過了 : 只是想請大家看看還有有沒有什麼我們沒注意到文法 或錯誤的地方 : 有點急... : 謝謝^^ : Hello, every one, my name is Eva.Today I want to talk about my hobbies . : I like surfing Internate and using MSN to chat with my friend. : I love using computer because I can get many information what I want, 這邊應該用that,不過也可省略,我個人是習慣省略啦 ^^^^ ^^^^ 另外用want似乎怪怪的,用need會不會比較好? I love using computer so I can get many information I need. : and when I am boried,I can play games in computer. bored ^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^computer games即可. : I like using computer to talk with my friends because it is very convenient : and immediately, ^^^^^^^^^^^immediately是副詞,應改為形容詞immediate,但是immediate字義 是"立即,直接,馬上",跟你的文意"快速便捷"似乎不太合?要不要考慮換個字? : the most important is it's free,doesn't like telephone. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^這裡顯然是中式英文 and, most importantly, unlike telephone, it's totally free. : So when I am home I use my computer more than watch tv. ^^^^^watching 我個人是建議改成: I spend more time on computer than watching TV at home. : My other hobby is listening music,because I love singing very much, ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^這裡怪怪的,要不要考慮改成And music is my other hobby,... : and when I fell depressed,listening music can make me to be in a good mood. ^^^^ felt? fall? ^^^^^這兩個字刪掉 .....help me back to a good mood 這樣句意會不會比較順? : I like to sing with the song,but now I live with my friends so i can't do : it when my friend at home,or they will feel clamorousely. ^stays ^^^^^^^^^^^^Feel後面直接接形容 詞喔 : Ok,that's about my hobbies.My speech is over, thank you! 嗯,I+be跟I+V.這兩種基本款的句型似乎有點太常用了,感覺上每一句都是這兩種開頭 雖然說這樣可以避免錯誤,可是就會相對的太單調喔,你可以考慮在裡面穿插一些不同 的句型,只要幾句就好,可以讓文章有變化很多,請多指教喔^^ --  Dr. Ian Malcolm: God creates dinosaurs. God destroys dinosaurs.            God creates man. Man destroys God. Man creates dinosaurs... Dr. Ellie Sattler: Dinosaurs eat man. Woman inherits the earth... -《Jurassic Park》(1993) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: bepsi 來自: (12/12 01:20)
ecocharts:許多名詞缺乏冠詞或複數型140.113.169.157 12/12 18:23