精華區beta Eng-Class 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ 引述《minjune (minjune)》之銘言: : Poverty tears at the very fabric of society. : 可以說明the very +名詞的用法嗎? : 還有中文翻為啥意思? : 謝謝!! the very + N 有三種涵意 1. 正是那一個;恰好是~ eg. That's the book that I was looking for. 那正是我在找的那本書。 2. 強調最...的 eg. Jason proposed to his girlfriend at the very beginning of the party. Jason在宴會一剛開始的時候就向他女朋友求婚。 3. 甚至...都 eg. The very thought of his face is disgusting. 甚至連想到他的臉都很令人作噁。 在這裡應該是屬於第一種用法,不過基本上都是加強語氣的用法。 -- 我的Blog,歡迎來訪: http://blog.xuite.net/hsnubbj/English -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
minjune:謝謝啦140.134.242.141 11/16 21:55