精華區beta Eng-Class 關於我們 聯絡資訊
How to compare with countable or uncountable for example 1. deer goose is uncountable nut mouse is countable 2. table is countable furniture is uncoutable 1. i think deer and goose are countable but grammar book it is not 2. table and furniture is some object why have different form can somebody tell me how to compare with i will very appreciation -- ~聆聽風鈴的聲音,追蹤幸福的氣息;與你相戀,是我今生的心願~ 從前,有一個男孩要赴戰場,在出征之前,男孩送給女孩一個親手作的風鈴,告訴她: 「只要聽到風鈴的聲音,就好像是我在身邊陪伴你、關懷你」。「噹噹噹…」當風鈴 吹起,對女孩而言,彷彿正代表著男孩就快回到她身邊。在那一年,女孩種下一棵風 鈴木,也種下對男孩的思念。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: