精華區beta Eng-Class 關於我們 聯絡資訊
我想翻的句子是「這些電影部只不能讓人感動,還讓人感到噁心」 如果直接用not only.. but also These movies not only can't affect people, but also make people disgusted 有人說這樣意思會變成這些電影不但能感動他人,還讓人感到噁心 也有人說是 These movies not only can't move the others, also make the people feel disgusted. 如果用Not only ... but also倒裝要怎麼寫呢 Not only can't these movies affect people, but also make people sick. 還是 Not only can these movies no affect people, but also make people sick 還是都不對呢? 我文法都忘光了orz 請專家教教我吧 感激不盡 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
heure:這種句型很少再跟否定連用吧 02/04 12:37
heure:何不用 neither ... nor ... 呢 02/04 12:37