精華區beta Eng-Class 關於我們 聯絡資訊
我想問一下喔… 我最近作練習題… 我發現我卡在一個地方@@ 就是"it".... 像是 A microphone enables a soft tone to be amplified, thus make it possible the gentle renditions of romantic love songs in a ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ large hall.(這題要把it拿走) 而下面這一題… The giraffe's long neck and legs are the most obvious features that make different from all all other animals.(要改成make it different) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 有人可以教我怎麼分類這一類的題目嗎? it的存在性 @o@ 還有一題… 文法書的答案我也不太懂@@" Among the parameters that determine whether an environment is suitable for life as we know it is temperature, water availability, and oxygen content. ↑ 要改成are 呃 @@" 不好意思… 來這邊請教一下會的人 <(_ _)> 卡在這邊的文法好痛苦哩~ -- ˍ ◥█◣◥█◣ ▇▅◥◥◣◥█◣ =▅▄▃▂◥█◣◥◣ 大家好 ◥█◣◥◣ 我是 Q踢 >//////< "▆▇' ◥█◣◥◣ ◢█\ ▊ █◣◥◣ ∮Spitfire -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: cuteee:轉錄至看板 studyabroad 12/21 22:31