精華區beta Eng-Class 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ 引述《meyzi ( )》之銘言: : In its pure state antimony has no important uses, but________with other substances, it is an extremely useful metal. : (A)when combined physically or chemically : (C)the physical and chemical combination (c)會讓前面那個句子當不成條件句或是讓步子句. : 請問為什麼不能選C呢?? : __________vastness of the Grand Canyon, it is difficult to capture it in a single photograph. : (C)For the : (D)Because of the : 請問為什麼不能選C呢? 這其實有一個更有趣的問題. 單選提示要選一個唯一對的答案還是選一個最好的答案. 最好的答案就是D了,表因果又清楚,前者是因後者是果. For the [...]表"為了什麼"的意思,是有因果作用,可是比較像是動機而不是成因. : Since the Great Depression of the 1930’s, social programs such as Social Security have been built into the economy to help avert -severity- business declines. : 請問劃線處(-severity-)為什麼有錯呢? 應該是severe, 後面是名詞前面要接形容詞. : In the early twentieth century, there was considerable --interesting-- among sociologists in the fact that in the United States the family was losing its traditional roles. : 請問劃線處(--interesting-- )為什麼有錯呢? 要用名詞. interest, 介係詞in藏在後面. -- 縱然陽光可以帶給人們希望 但也要心中充滿希望 才看得到陽光!! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
meyzi: 謝謝您!! 02/15 18:49