精華區beta Eng-Class 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ 引述《okinawa0617 (小海龜)》之銘言: : 4.The midge______ to any of several species of small flies,refers to a : mosquito-like insect wiht slender wings and body,long legs,and antennae. : a.which a term applied : b.a term applied : c.is a term applied : d.applied a term : ans:b : 我選a,因為refers 是主要動詞,用which 來修飾the midge : 但答案是b,這樣不就有兩個動詞? 我一開始滿想選C的, 但後面又有動詞 B應該是which is a term applied的省略句吧, 通常這前面應該要有痘號才對 : 8.The second-oldest continuously occupied governor's mansion in the United : States______ Jackson,Mississipi. : a.the location in : b.is the location : c.is located in : d.located in : ans:c : 我選d,因為which is located in,省略which is : 有考慮過c,但是變成雙重動詞而作罷,沒想到正確答案是c : 拜託各位高手囉 : 謝謝大家 occupied不是當動詞, 不代表這件事是過去發生的, 其實從the second-oldest就可知道 這幾個詞是不可能當主詞的 occupied表被動的形容詞 請多多指教^^ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
okinawa0617:謝謝您喔 02/18 16:07