精華區beta Eng-Class 關於我們 聯絡資訊
請問以下的句子用關代合併: I know the man. He can speak English. => I know the man who can speak English. => The man who I know can speak English. 這兩句用who合併後應該都沒有錯吧,只是第一個句子who是當主詞 第二個who是當受詞、whom用who代替, 可是第二個句子有錯嗎? The house is big. We live in the house. => The house which we live in is big. => We live in the house which is big. => The house which is big we live in. 這三句是用which合併,前兩句沒有問題,第三句似乎怪怪的 是有哪裡錯了呢? 另外,except 和except for的差別,我看之前的講法主要是 A和B種類不同時用except for,except for只可當介系詞用, except則可當介系詞、連接詞、動詞用,可是有except不能放在句首的這個規定嗎? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: