精華區beta Eng-Class 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ 引述《pinkloving ()》之銘言: : "Make"這個字後面可以加上原形動詞,也可以加上形容詞。 : 那麼 "魔術師把兔子變消失了"這一句話, : The magician made the rabbit disappeared. : The magician made the rabbit disappear. : 上述兩句話,在文法上有什麼不同呢 : 都正確嗎? : 謝謝 推文太麻煩,而且寫的太複雜 XD. 你的問題要從一個不同的地方思考: 如果我們把句型歸納成-- S make(s) O RV/V-ed. 要注意一點,可以做V-ed的動詞應該都是及物動詞. 我認為The magician made the rabbit disappeared變的很奇怪. 縱然disappear可以做vt, which means "使消失" (Merriam-Webster:http://www.m-w.com/dictionary/disappear). 但是這不是常見的用法, 所以disappear轉v-ed的用法應該是不為接受的. So you can say the magician disappeared the rabbit and theefore the magician made the rabbit disappear. But it seems grammatically incorrect to say "The magician made the rabbit disappeared. 有一個辦法, 請把the magician made the rabbit disappeared這個句子用google搜尋. 我有看到一篇有討論這個問題的文章. 主要是說不級物動詞不能轉成V-ed. 你的問題換個動詞想想看: I made the book burnt. I made the book burn. 前者是燒"完"的狀態,後者是使那個動作發生,但是不一定燒完了. 或是我們把使役動詞make用別的動詞取代 *The magician wanted the rabbit to be disappeared. The magician wanted the rabbit to disappear. 前者是不合文法的句子,原因一樣disappear是(vi). And thus it is grammatically incorrect to say *the rabbit was disappeared. You have to say: the rabbit was made to disappear by the magician. p.s. * means "grammatically incorrect." Interesting question. good luck~ -- 縱然陽光可以帶給人們希望 但也要心中充滿希望 才看得到陽光!! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: julians 來自: (02/09 23:23) ※ 編輯: julians 來自: (02/10 00:15)