精華區beta Eng-Class 關於我們 聯絡資訊
我的作文一向是弱點 辭彙不夠多 文法也不好 臨時下筆寫不出來... 但是自己總是抓不到頭緒 能不能請板上的高手指點我一下? 以下是我寫的一篇作文 An ideal teacher In my opinion, the most important characteristic of a good teacher is ”patience”. Teaching is interesting when you pass the knowledge on to the younger generation,but it becomes awful when your students perform poorly or lack of interest in your teaching . Teachers should take responsibility for a student’s poor performance and use available resources to motivate them to be interested in the courses. Teacher also should let the students know that them can do well if they try , praise them appropriately when they get improvement even the improvement is little .Some of the students may never care about improvement , the teacher still can not give up them. Oppositely, the teacher should try the best to encourage them . An ideal teacher is enthusiastic with this kind of challenge . She learns from different situations and cases while teach , gains achievement from work . That’s the reason why her patience comes from . 感激不盡阿! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: heroeric 來自: (02/20 00:34)
erilinda:好老師一定要是女的嗎= =? 02/20 00:48
fizeau:"show" lack of interest 02/20 15:01
heroeric:什麼意思?? 02/20 18:38