精華區beta Eng-Class 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ 引述《qqrola (挖挖)》之銘言: : 我看到一篇描述911罹難者的文章 : 其中有一段是一個罹難者生前打出的電話 : 他是這樣說的 : "All I see is smoke. I'm going to die, aren't I? I'm going to die." : ^^^^ : 這個地方 為什麼是are?? : 有什麼習慣用法嗎? : 該不會是罹難前太緊張講錯...=.=?? : 請懂得人幫忙解答 謝謝 The contraction for "are not" is usually used in questions like: "Aren't I going with you?" However, "am" is the proper be-verb to be used with the pronoun "I": "I am going with you." The technically ungrammatical usage of "aren't" in questions where "I" is the subject can be considered a "forced" mistake, because there is no good grammatically correct alternative. There is no contraction for "am not;" we don't say "Amn't I going ... ?," and the uncontracted form, "Am I not going with you?," sounds so formal that it is not practical in most situations. Consequently, even though "aren't I" is technically ungrammatical, and can sound a bit jarring to the ear, it is considered correct in normal conversational speech. Additional note: Michael Swan: "Practical English Usage" Second Edition "'Am not' is normally only contracted in questions, to 'aren't'" "The question tag for 'I am' is 'aren't I'?: 'I'm late, aren't I?'" google查的 來自某個ESL網站 外國人說的 -- something's missing -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
eddietu:沒記錯的話,有個專門用來代替的-->ain't, 04/08 07:16
eddietu:是嗎?! 04/08 07:17
Lovetech:ain't是古字 現在大部份用於詩或歌詞 04/08 09:08
IzakiVicky:ain't蠻常聽到的啊 04/08 17:29
ryanchia:ain't是很不正式的講法,黑人超愛講 04/11 18:10
ryanchia:最好不要常用,感覺沒受過教育的人用的 04/11 18:10