精華區beta Eng-Class 關於我們 聯絡資訊
《If的假設語氣》 1.純條件假設語氣 If+S+現在式V,S+will(may;can;shall;must;ought to;should)+原形V ex:If anyone lies,I will punish him. If you make a mistake,you should admit it. 2.與現在事實相反 If+S+過去式V,S+would(might;could;should;ought to)+原形V ps:if句子中若有be動詞,一律為were,而非was。 If I were rich,I would buy my parents a villa.(But I'm not rich.) If he made the same mistake again,I would punish him. (But I don't think he will make the same mistake again.) 3.與過去事實相反 If+S+had+過去分詞,S+would(might;could;should;ought to)+have+過去分詞 If he had been here yesterday,I would have seen him.(But he wasn't here.) If he had taken my advice,he might not have made the mistake. (But he didn't take my advice.) 4.與未來狀況相反 (a)低可能性假設:If+S+should+原形V,S+would(might;could;should;ought to)+原形V ps:should可譯為"萬一" ex:The sky is blue.If it should rain,the picnic would be cancelled. (It is very unlikely that it will rain.) (b)(高可能性假設):If+S+should+原形V,S+will(may;can;shall;must;ought to;should)+原形V ps:should可譯為"萬一" ex:There are dark clouds in the sky.If it should rain,the picnic will be cancelled.(It is likely it will rain.) 5.極難發生的假設(與真理相反的假設) If+S+were to+原形V,S+would(might;could;should;ought to)+原形V 真實狀況:The sun rises in the east. 假設:If the sun were to rise in the west,I would marry you. 6.省略If 若句子中有過去完成式助動詞had,或表"萬一"的助動詞should,或were,可將 had,should,were置於主詞前,而將if省略。 had: If I had known it,I would have told him. =Had I known it,I would have told him. should:If he should do it,I would punish him. =Should he do it,I would punish him. were: If I were you,I wouldn't do it. =Were I you,I wouldn't do it. 7.若非(要不是....) (a)與現在事實相反 If it were not for+N,S+would(might;could;should;ought to)+原形V (But for+N ) (But that+S+現在式V ) ex:If it were not for his promise to help me,I wouldn't do it. =But for his promise to help me,I wouldn't do it. =But that he promises to help me,I wouldn't do it.(少用) (b)與過去事實相反 If it had not been for+N,S+would(might;could;should;ought to)+have+過去分詞 (But for+N ) (But that+S+過去式V ) ex:If it had not been for his promise to help me,I wouldn't have done it. =But for his promise to help me,I wouldn't have done it. =But that he promised to help me,I wouldn't have done it.(少用) ps.But for亦可用without取代,即But for = without ex:But for his help,I might have failed. =Without his help,I might have failed. ps.were與had一樣可以移置句首而省略if,但not不可與之縮寫而一起放至句首。 Were it not for his promise to help me,I wouldn't do it. Weren't it for his promise to help me,I wouldn't do it.(X) Had it not been for his promise to help me,I wouldn't have done it. Hadn't it been for his promise to help me,I wouldn't have done it.(X) 8.在非真實條件句中,可用三種形式來指未來時間,(1)過去式假設法(2)should+原形V (3)were to 原形V。三者之間差別在於可能性的大小。(1)可能性最大,(2)次之,(3) 最小。 ex:If it rained/should rain/were to rain tomorrow,I wouldn't go. 9.錯綜時間條件句 (1)子句表示與過去事實相反,主要子句表示與現在正在發生的情況相反 ex:If you had not missed th bus,we should be enjoying their concert now. 要不是你誤了公共汽車的話,那我們現在正在聽他們的音樂會呢。 ex:If it hadn't been for the doctor's care,I should not be speaking to you now. 要不是有了醫生的照料,我現在就不能和你講話了。 (2)子句表示與過去事實相反,主要子句表示與現在事實相反 ex:If I had learned French,I would be able to interpret for our French friends. 要是我以前學過法語的話,那我現在就能給我們的法國朋友當翻譯了。 (3)子句表示與過去正在發生的情況相反,主要子句表示與現在與在進行的情況相反 ex:If we hadn't been working hard in the past few years,things wouldn't be going so smoothly. 要是過去幾年我們沒有努力工作,那麼現在一切都不會進行得這樣順利。 (4)子句表示與過去的事實相反,主要子句表示未來不可能實現的事件 ex:If I had earned some money last summer,I would go on a vacation next month. 如果我去年夏天賺了點錢的話,我下個月就會去度假了。 (5)子句表示未來實現可能性較小的條件或者說不大確定的條件,子句用should+原形動詞 ,主要子句用祈使句或一般未來式。這種結構常常用來表示禮貌的請求或建議 ex:If he should call,tell him I'll ring back. 要是他打電話來,告訴他我將給他回電話。 ex:If I should see him,I'll ask him to ring you. 要是我看到他,我將請他給你回電話的。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: iiverson649 來自: (07/31 21:39)
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namisuan:推! 07/31 22:10
DAVIDD0629:鋪需 07/31 22:20
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lyr19:推!!! 08/02 05:23
noeaster:大推!!! 08/03 01:25