精華區beta Eng-Class 關於我們 聯絡資訊
I love you. I do love you. 請問這兩個的意思是 "一模一樣" 嗎? 還是第二個是比較強烈的表達呢? 謝謝! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
DeathWatch:後者強烈 04/23 23:56
outofdejavu:it depends on the situations 04/23 23:58
outofdejavu:我覺得第2個有..女生無理取鬧時 男生無奈在說的感覺 04/23 23:58
gravitino:Try this: I love you to death. 04/24 00:03
outofdejavu:XD 04/24 00:04
dblsesame:Look directly into her eyes when you say it. 04/24 00:12
wwatermother:三樓精闢XD 04/24 00:49
kubadtz:there's too much more than only the word love 04/24 10:31
kubadtz:till death do us part!!!you complete me~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 04/24 10:32
kubadtz:lol 04/24 10:33
outofdejavu:我覺得樓上常常自High XD (no offense) 04/24 13:39
kubadtz:bored..~~ 04/24 17:05
kubadtz:none taken 04/24 17:06