精華區beta Eng-Class 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ 引述《aiderty (巧克力夢工廠)》之銘言: : ※ 引述《justnig (just˙逆個〞 )》之銘言: : : 我想問一下... : : 片語pick it up中的it : : 為什麼一定要放在pick和up中間呢? : : 又為什麼不能寫成pick up it? : : 只能寫成pick up + noun. : : 我的答案是:因為it為代名詞 所以必須放在中間 : : 但文法老師說這個答案是錯的 = = : : 請大家幫忙解惑一下 謝謝 : pick 代名詞 up or pick up+一般名詞. : ^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^ : 我記得是這樣 先謝謝你的回答囉! ^^ 我知到正確的文法是這樣子的 但我想問說... 為什麼一定要這樣子放? 知道的人...請幫忙解惑 謝謝 ^^ -- 逆個〞的文字記實 *N‧i‧居* http://www.wretch.cc/blog/ice4maple 屬於逆個〞的 *N‧i‧居*  用文字 紀錄邂逅的真實 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
fizeau:"pick up" is a whole verbal phrase 11/27 21:59
fizeau:under normal/ideal circumstance 11/27 21:59
fizeau:pick-up + O.....that's the standard situation 11/27 21:59
fizeau:but unfortunately 11/27 22:00
fizeau:when the object is too "long" 11/27 22:00
fizeau:wait...excuse me 11/27 22:01
fizeau:again......pick is the verb 11/27 22:01
bigbuddha:pick up (noun) or pick (pronoun) up why? 11/27 22:10
bigbuddha:lot like the german of the time, where the separable 11/27 22:19
bigbuddha:prefix of a verb went after the object in all cases 11/27 22:19
bigbuddha:as the language evolved, that construction was kept 11/27 22:19
bigbuddha:in place for pronoun constructions, but where the 11/27 22:20
bigbuddha:object was a noun, the prefix was understood to be a 11/27 22:20
bigbuddha:preposition and moved up to a spot before the verb 11/27 22:20
bigbuddha:just a not-so-educated guess. in general, it doesnt 11/27 22:21
bigbuddha:make much sense to ask "why" too much for a language 11/27 22:21
fizeau:there doesn't have to be an absolute answer 11/27 22:24
fizeau:just the discussion itself will matter 11/27 22:25
fizeau:well....i haven't yet learned the German language :P 11/27 22:30