精華區beta Eng-Class 關於我們 聯絡資訊
問題一: Prewitt was resistant to spinal fusion at first. "When spinal fusion presented to me, I said 'oh no,'" Prewitt said. 為什麼兩個spinal fusion不用加冠詞? spinal fusion指的是一種手術,應該是一個可 數名詞,怎麼沒有冠詞又不見它是複數型? 問題二: Instead of the long recovery time and lingering pain her uncle experienced, Prewitt found herself walking her dog, Maggie, and feeling wonderful three weeks after surgery. 為什麼最後的surgery前不需要加冠詞 'the'? -- 政治是高明的騙術 化妝是高明的易容術 有了Photoshop就不用SK II -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
julians:加the表示某一特定手術; 不加表示普遍性 08/01 23:27