精華區beta Eng-Class 關於我們 聯絡資訊
例一: He went mountain climbing when the typhoon was coming. 例二: I ate a cake while mother was cooking dinner. 例三: Betty studies while Nancy is listening to music. 請問上列三句中 when跟while是否都能互換 求解 謝謝大大 -- 我立志要當美容大王 哈~請叫我美容大王啦~ http://www.wretch.cc/album/violaowang -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
phyc:如果是我,1會改成while,2會改was eating 3.is studying 06/07 11:56
phyc:因為我覺得2.3句感覺是at the same time 06/07 11:59
phyc:通常用simple past in "when" time clauses";用past 06/07 12:00
phyc:用 pass progressive in "while" time clauses 06/07 12:02
phyc:以你給的例句來說,1.2.3句都會變成後面那句先發生,then前面 06/07 12:05
phyc:唉喲~糟糕!我也不太會講....而且自己好像有點搞混了XD 06/07 12:10