精華區beta Eng-Class 關於我們 聯絡資訊
1. Adj. to illustrate Human Body lean 看起來很瘦,給人病弱的感覺 thin 病後使人看起來很瘦弱的樣子 slim,splender 高高瘦瘦,身材不錯 skinny 瘦到只剩皮包骨 cubby face 指臉像嬰兒一樣圓圓的(但身體不圓) 我的頭髮分岔 my hair get split end 啤酒肚 beer belly 在腰兩側的肥肉 love handle/lover's handle 2.Words about Illness & Medical 中暑 sun stroke heat stroke 嗜睡症 narcolepsy 拉肚子 diarrhoea 是英式用法 diarrhea 是美式用法 鼻塞 sniffle 喉嚨痛 sore throat cold 是指一般的風寒感冒等 flu 專指流行性感冒 抽脂 liposuction It is a form of cosmetic surgery where fat is removed from a particular area of the body by dissolving it with special chemicals and then sucking it out with a tube. 復健 rehabilitation 體檢 physical examination(P.E) 醫療疏失 medical malpractice 全民健康保險 National Health Insurance 代理孕母 surrogate mother 3.Words About Exercise 仰臥起坐 sit-up 扶地挺身 push-up 花式溜冰 figure skating 有氧運動 cardio/aerobics 重量訓練 weight training 國際標準舞 Ballroom Dancing Social Dancin Competition Dancing gutter ball (打保齡球時)洗溝 e.x. I throw gutter balls 日光浴 sun bath (辨析:sun tan is more like you do that in order to darken your skin tone.) 防曬乳 sun block lotion 跑步機 treadmill 踏步機 strider/stepping machine/stomp machine 水上摩托車 Jet Ski 協力車 tandem 4.Other Words 綁頭髮 tie my hair 梳髻 chignon eg She wore her chestnut hair in a chignon 一般女孩子分成三股綁成的辮子 braid (另一意:穗帶) wonderbra 魔術胸罩 輕推/輕碰(指用肘) nudge 自慰 masturbate jerk off -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
leeyj:拉肚子是diarrhea,沒有o呢.. =) 推 11/25